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Hetal's Story

Double Lung Transplant Patient

From the age of 6 months old Hetal was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis (CF). It was difficult for her parents to understand this condition as their first language wasn’t English, however, they understood that it would require routine hospital stays for chest infections as well as daily medication and physiotherapy. 


Despite the condition, Hetal tried to live a normal life. Going on to attend university in Birmingham where she managed to fit the daily physio treatments and medication in with studying and socialising. Successfully graduating with a 2:1 degree in Multimedia Technology she was determined not to let CF control her life. 


To those who might not be registered as donors yet, please consider it.

You could save up to 8 lives and improve so many more.

Ashni's Story

Organ Donor

Throughout her childhood Ashni suffered with a long-term stomach condition,

named ulcerated colitis which is a form of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).

This condition can become quite debilitating resulting in severe inflammation

of the colon and rectum. Ashni ulcerated colitis flared up in 2012 and was

rushed to hospital immediately. Next, she suffered a major seizure and a brain

scan showed that she was severely brain damaged.

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To find out more about organ donation visit:

Paulo's Story

At the age of 28 Paulo Calane suffered from kidney failure in 2017. As a result

Paulo was placed on the high priority transplant list. Whilst awaiting a

successful donor he had no choice but to opt for dialysis, 3 times a week for a

duration of 4 hours per session.


Kidney Donor Appeal

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in touch!

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